Ethan Ryan Schmidt

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A day at the Chelsea Treehouse

A few weeks ago we took a day trip to Chelsea, Michigan and went to the Treehouse which is an indoor playground that is completely enclosed. Parents can go down the slides too and John had just as much fun as Ethan! Going down the big slide by himself- he was a little scared!
Going down the small slide in the toddler area- not scary at all!
John and Ethan climbing up play set
A picture of most of the play area.
We went for a walk outside and Ethan threw a penny in the fountain!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Random Pics from the last month!

Ok Eva- I'm not posting PG World pics yet but here are some random pictures of Ethan during the last couple of weeks. Getting ready to pull open the cupboards in his pirate gear!
Hanging out with Daddy (John looks so evil)!
Finally playing on his Bounce and Spin Zebra that he got for Christmas!
Wait, I'm supposed to use the fork to get the cottage cheese to my mouth? OH!
What a thrilled little boy and his Mommy!
This picture say's it all!
Ethan has become obsessed with his vacuum and his lawn mower lately- that could work out well for us in a couple of years!
Brushing his teeth on his own!
Enjoying his first Happy Meal!
Spending some quality time with Daddy!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Ohio Weather- all within one week!

Our spring weather has been kind of crazy- within the last week we have played in the snow and taken our first walk up and down the street (Ethan didn't start walking really well until it was too cold to be outside). Here my smiley boy is walking down the sidewalk with Dad close behind.
His shadow looks like such a big boy's!
Here Ethan is making his first snow angel.
Throwing snowballs at Daddy.
Trying out sledding- he didn't seem to enjoy it too much.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Blowing Bubbles

Last week we bought some bubbles to see if Ethan would enjoy stomping on them and he seemed to have a good time with them!
A smiley little troublemaker
Stomping out the bubbles
Trying to imitate Mommy blowing the bubbles
This is completely unrelated but the other day the Wiggles were on and Ethan came downstairs and started dancing like they were- it was too cute!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Ethan's new "Toy"

The other day we put his portable "highchair" on the floor so that we could color (it didn't work out too well- let's just say that there were a lot of crayons consumed). However, Ethan decided that this chair is his new favorite toy and he plays with it all the time! What a handsome boy!
He likes to sit down and pull the tray over him.
Smiling for his daddy.
Look at those eyes!
This is his tricky boy smile- you know when he smiles like this that he thinks he is getting away with something!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Trip to Kalahari

This past week we spent two day's in Sandusky at the Kalahari water park. We had a great time as a family and Ethan was just so darn cute!
He really loved the bellman suitcase trolley and wanted to be pushed around on it!
This is one of his two new swimsuit outfits that he got for the trip- he's a very stylish 13 month old!
Dad was trying to give Ethan his night night bottle and instead they were both giggling and "screaming" at each other.
This is Ethan in his swim diaper- Mom accidentally bought the Dora Explorer kind so John made fun of me the entire time about our son wearing pink diapers!
Here Ethan is sporting his second outfit!
This is while we were packing the car to leave and we were trying to get Ethan to take a nap- he was being all cute and cuddling underneath Mom's coat.
Ethan posing with Mom on top of the hippo at the little playground in Kalahari.
Ethan going down the tree slide with a little help.

Ethan went on the little merry-go round with some little boy's that he met on the playground.
Ethan's favorite part about the whole trip was walking up and down the halls- he would've done it all day if we'd let him!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Random Pictures with the new camera

We have a mistletoe bell hanging between our dining room and kitchen and Ethan loves to play with it.
Ethan sooo happy to have caught the bell.

Playing with his Sing A-Long Stage (wow that glass really needs cleaned)

Standing in the middle of the room
A smiling boy in his high chair.

This was Ethan's first time wrapping presents- and we were posing with a present for Uncle Jake.